t1quan 2 years ago
Parameters:[br] id - set video/channel ID. You can set multiply id like ID = one,two,three,...[br] category - to Get video from defined category[br] type - Default type is VIDEO. You can set RELATED to get related video. TRENDING to get trending videos. If you want to get channel information like title ,desription, subscriberCount, set type = channel maxresults - set video display limit (max 50) pagetoken - set page token order - set display order (relevance, date, rating,title, videoCount, viewCount)[br] regioncode - set country code[br] search - search video by keyword[br] apikey - set youtube API key[br] how Enter Config ? help me! tks you!
mario 2 years ago
Thats all.
mario 2 years ago
after our youtube video lister next is open specific video in another page to play just code <'id>:GET(vid);<'/id> <'apikey>:GET(apichannel);<'/apikey> <'type>video<'/type>
mario 2 years ago
if want guest or users to search video of ur channel please let it be <'order>:GET(q).IFEQ().THEN(date).ELSE(relevance);<'/order> <'search>:GET(q);<'/search>
mario 2 years ago
also set apikey as verification to tell your channel in youtube that you are connected in wapka transfer me my channel videos. look you must have a simple understanding.
mario 2 years ago
if you have a channel in youtube then copy the channel id and put in youtube api <'id>5tdbv6jbc7<'/id> <'type>channel<'/type> <'apikey>channel-api-key-here<'/apikey>