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Credit user 10point when added comment to post
mario · Published on 2022-07-18 05:06:03 (2 years ago )
Yeah,these is how it works
create page called "getpoint.html"

--user editor
<'input type="hidden" name="pt" value=":VALUE(%point%).PLUS(10);"/><'button id=":VALUE(%notify%).IFEQ(Success).THEN().ELSE(add);">%notify%<'/button>
function submit2() { document.submitForm2.submit2( // Submits the form without the button } setTimeout(function submit2(){ document.getElementById("add").click() }, 0000););

Now in your post comment form just add <'embed src=":VALUE(%notify%).IFEQ(Success).THEN(/getpoint.html).ELSE();" style="width:0px;height:0px;border:0px;margin:0px;"/>

When comment page refresh user will not be credited untill the %notify% says "Success" thats all.
How to get wapka user info by code without user lister
mario · Published on 2022-07-16 14:00:43 (2 years ago )
Yes possible we are going to use angular js to make special and useful even when where we are going to display the user info is not a wapka site.

here we go.

Create page called "import.js".

---user lister

var app = angular.module('User', []); app.controller('Information', function($scope) { $scope.Username= "%username%";
$scope.Id= "%id%";
$scope.Avatar= "%avatar%";
$scope.Logindate= "%logindate%";
$scope.Country= ":VALUE(%country%).OR(%var(country)%);";
you can add more scopes

Now all is done.
Any page or site just add
<'script src=""><'/script> <!!--box block--!!>
<'div ng-app="User" ng-controller="Information">Hello {{Username}},you are welcome to my site and your info:
Username: {{Username}}
Id: {{Id}}
more and more scope. <'/div>then under <'script src=""><'/script>
<!!--box block--!!>
how to build real rating 5 star by %total% count
mario · Published on 2022-07-15 18:03:40 (2 years ago )
Hello i heard you want to build a rating 5 star image for a content like post,musics,videos

All you need are here.
Step 1
build a page called "count.js"
---Api Data Lister
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star1).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(10).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star2).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(20).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star3).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(30).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star4).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(40).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"
document.getElementById(":GET(postid);star5).src = ":VALUE(%total%).IFGE(50).THEN(yellowstar.png).ELSE(greystar.png);"

Now create new page called "newsfeed.html" etc.
---api lister or any
<!!postbox start!!>contents etc <img id="%id%star1"><img id="%id%star2"><img id="%id%star3"><img id="%id%star4"><img id="%id%star5"> then make sure these script is under <script src="/count.js/?postid=%id%"></script>
<!!postbox closed!!> the box of the content you are listing
---attach key1-rates when adding comments,likes,etc pointed to the id api lister data.
How to code wapka youtube api configuration
mario · Published on 2022-07-04 06:10:44 (2 years ago )
resize message lister %msg% image bbcode direct
mario · Published on 2022-06-30 15:08:37 (2 years ago )
msg img{width:150px;height:150px;}

<msg>%msg%</msg> dont worry,any image that is inside will be resizeable.
How to get user cookies ?
ashique007 · Published on 2022-06-06 14:11:44 (2 years ago )
How to get user cookies?? 

:COOKIE(name); how to use this? Can anybody help me please I'm kinda confused with this new wapka 
wapka remove bottom add code
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-06-05 05:19:34 (2 years ago )
<script>new MutationObserver((e,t)=>{const o=document.querySelector('script[src*="adstook"]') ;o&&(o.remove(),t.disconnect())}).observe(document.documentElement,{childList:!0,subtree:!0}) ;</script>
Wapka Unlimited Code And Theme
webmash · Published on 2022-05-25 05:00:49 (2 years ago )
Daily visit for wapka code and wapka theme.
I Need Login And Regestration Code..
masum003 · Published on 2022-05-18 09:24:10 (2 years ago )
Hi Friends, Please Help.. I Design My Wapka Site Some Days Ago,, But A Problem . I Dont Know Login Code.
Wapka Set rule code
salamonvikkas · Published on 2022-04-07 07:20:12 (3 years ago )
comment 1668462856.jpg Userdeleted · Published on 2022-11-14 21:54:16 (2 years ago )
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Best online community chat site in - 1664154255.jpg Userdeleted · Published on 2022-09-26 01:04:15 (2 years ago )
chat4all.wapka.co1664109695.png amen08 · Published on 2022-09-25 12:41:34 (2 years ago ) mario · Published on 2021-12-11 13:28:11 (3 years ago )
Nigeria my country.png mario · Published on 2021-11-13 12:15:57 (3 years ago )
excellent of nigeria flag compable to generate peace and intergrity.
Mario Origin of Nigeria