Search Result: user
How to get user cookies ?
ashique007 · Published on 2022-06-06 14:11:44 (2 years ago )
How to get user cookies?? 

:COOKIE(name); how to use this? Can anybody help me please I'm kinda confused with this new wapka 
Help please! I want to show all user with their var! how to do that?
ashique007 · Published on 2022-06-05 09:03:21 (2 years ago )

Whats the config for this??
Check if logged user is an Admin
francisco · Published on 2022-02-15 20:51:53 (3 years ago )
The following Wapka code can check if the logged user is an Admin:
:VAR(USER_ROLE).IFMATCH(Admin).THEN(Is an Admin).ELSE(Not an Admin);
It returns "Is an Admin" if the user belongs to any of the following roles: Administrator, Master Admin, or Super Admin.
Returns "Not an Admin" if the user belongs to any other role.
convert [br] to // in user input paragraph click.
mario · Published on 2022-01-08 18:52:17 (3 years ago )
in msg snder you dont need to announce that paragraph is [*br] just enter config. and put something like these <*message>:POST(msg).REPLACE(["//","[*br]"]);<*/message>
[HELP] Right Now Wapka Showing Unregistered User Uploading Files As Admin Uploading Files Fix This
sajeevscg · Published on 2021-11-29 11:13:40 (3 years ago )
#Now Unregistered user uploaded files shown as admin upload files, 

#So, i need change it to (GUST) Upload [Who upload files without register] 

#*Example Link[*Education Purpose*](

#i cant edit download page Becouse
(*1.Lots of advanced tag used in download page.
*2.its totaly wast my time.
*3.use mobile to update site.)

#im using difrent directores to upload files for users and admins.

#right now i just creat a code👇


#All (0000) is Admin upload dir
#All (1111) is user upload dir
#iAm send user from download page to user file page via format

*But its not wirking!
*#Any one have a better mind,idea to solve ma problum!

Why all wapka developer must create register form that save user password
mario · Published on 2021-11-19 15:23:10 (3 years ago )
<div class="list1" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;background:crimson;color:white;">is to let register member who forgot password recover it easily than you wasting time to visit api data lister of guest posted that they lost their password... i have two (2) idea for recovering the password of a user and the first one is security question & email recovery password pattern set var_password in register form which collect psw and store for login & session
</div><div class="list1" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;background:lightblue;"><div style="background:blue;color:white;text-align:center;">Note some people can use these to hacked users psw.</div>Register config. <code><*password>:POST(password);<*/password>
<*var_password>:POST(password);<*/var_password></code> so these config can save user password at once for recovering password Read how to recovered psw when forgot it.</div>
How do I allow a user to recover/change a forgotten password?
fchagas97 · Published on 2021-11-19 12:58:49 (3 years ago )
I realized that Wapka does not have a password recovery system for my users. Is it possible to create a workaround to allow this?
how to banned user from posting again in newsfeed.
mario · Published on 2021-11-15 14:37:20 (3 years ago )
Very easy, create page called banned list... Add User Editor code:
userid > :POST(id);
set_role > :POST(access);
Then code box: Enter Userid:<*input type="text" name="id"/><br>Select access: <*select name="access"><*option value="Banned">Banned These Userid<*/option><*option value="Member">Unbanned These Userid<*/option><*/select>
<*button>Saved Condition<*/button>
Remember only admin it should be visible too.
Now lets start main condition or funtion code in newsfeed creator code! edit the Code Rule :VAR(USER_ROLE).IFEQ(Banned).THEN(#DISABLE#);
Now lets informed the user that he or she is banned from posting again for violenting the rule you quoted lol... :D okay.
Add new fresh Tag code with these text inside it. <*div -your angry div->Dear :VAR(USER_NAME);,you are banned to post news in these site anymore.. next time try to obey rule of any site. we will unbanned you after few weeks... chat friends online untill we unbanned you. Thanks<*/div> These code is created. Now edit these code Rule: :VAR(USER_ROLE).IFEQ(Banned).THEN(#ENABLE#).ELSE(#DISABLE#);
be carefull cuz these coding need metal reasons. not functional reasons lol
how to add button to claim point everyday 1 times when user come online
mario · Published on 2021-11-15 08:00:43 (3 years ago )
Add User editor and edit
configuration: <*userid>:VAR(USER_ID);<*/userid> <*set_point>:POST(point);<*/set_point> <*set_var_date>:POST(date);<*/set_var_date>
code: <*input type="hidden" name="date" value=":DATE(d);"/> <*input type="hidden" name="point" value=":VALUE(%point%).PLUS(50);"/>:VALUE(%var(date)%).IFNE.DATE(d).THEN(<*button type="submit">claim 50 point<*/button>).ELSE(You have successfully claim today gift point,come back tomorrow for more);
how to inform user that his or her point is not enough to purchase items
mario · Published on 2021-11-14 16:15:32 (3 years ago )
:VALUE(%point%).IFLE(299).THEN(Sorry your point is too low to purchase item cost 300 point); you need :VALUE(300).MINUS(%point%); point to purchase these item.
correct lol am good in maths.