Search Result: Wap
follow btn wapka
mario · Published on 2022-02-10 06:31:23 (3 years ago )
How many programe skill wapka accept?
mario · Published on 2022-02-06 10:08:54 (3 years ago )
1. Tags & functions
2. Html
3. Javascript
4. Jquery
5. css
6. xml
7. wapka script (ws) [new]
What type of site wapka can create?
mario · Published on 2022-02-06 10:02:41 (3 years ago )
1. Chat site 100%
2. Video Share 100%
3. Music Share 100%
4. Graphic Work 100%
5. Blog site 100%
6. Additive Game 92%
7. Mailing to Gmail 25%
8. Map site 55%
9. Website builder 90%
10. Tech & science
Wapka Basic function
maria · Published on 2022-02-04 12:18:14 (3 years ago )
<div class="bar1">
    <div class="bar1top">Helper function</div>
    <div class="info">You can use helper function with tag codes. Helper function is very useful for data processing.
        WAPKA function name is case sensitive. To make function chain use (.) dot</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:GET(name);</b> - To get data from url</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:POST(name);</b> - To get http post data</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:COOKIE(name);</b> - To get http cookie</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:REQUEST(name);</b> - Get combined data from get, post & cookie</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:VALUE(data);</b> - This function is used to set function parameter.</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:DATA(Function or tag or data);</b> - You can get data from many function like :DATA(Name: #GET(name)# ID: #VAR(USER_ID)#);</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:SET(name);</b> - You can use this function to define variable. :VALUE(test data).SET(new_var); You can also call multiply function and make chain - :GET(id).INT.SET(ID); here we get data from url then make sure it number then set variable.</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:SAVE(name);</b> - This is similar as SET but this will save data in server (session) and you can use this data later on any page</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:VAR(name);</b> - To get data from variable use this function</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:DATE();</b> - This function is for date and time. To format current date Use :DATE(formater); You can format any date from other function and also time ago like :VALUE(Dec 2020).DATE(AGO); to use with other function use :VALUE(%date%).DATE(Formater or AGO);</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:SLUG(make url);</b> - Make SEO frendly url from any text. You can use with other function/tag like :SLUG(%title%);</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:URL_ENCODE(url); , :HTML_ENCODE(html);, :BASE64_ENCODE(data);)</b> - To encode data</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:URL_DECODE(url); , :HTML_DECODE(html);, :BASE64_DECODE(data);)</b> - decode encoded data</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:REMOVE_TAG;</b> - to remove html tag from input. usage - :REMOVE_TAG(&lt;tag&gt;this is tag&lt;/tag&gt;); To allow tag use like - :VALUE(&lt;b&gt;this is bold&lt;/b&gt;&lt;i&gt;this is italic&lt;/i&gt;).REMOVE_TAG(&lt;i&gt;);</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:LOWER(MAKE IT LOWER);</b> - convert all character to lower case.</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:UPPER(lower to upper)</b> - convert all character to upper case</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:TRIM( space );</b> - Remove whitespace from data. You can also remove other character like :VALUE(-----test--------).TRIM(-); this will remove all -</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:CHOP(space );</b> - Same as TRIM but remove from at the end of string</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:CUT(["start", "end"]);</b> - Get part of string from start to end you can also set starting and ending position like :VALUE(this is test).CUT([0, 10]); to get first 10 character</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:LENGTH(data);</b> - length</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:INT(1234abcd);</b> - To make sure data is numeric</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:NULL(nothing);</b> - If you want to call a function and hide result use this at the end. :GET(data).SET(var).NULL; set variable and display nothing</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:REPLACE(["search", "replace"]);</b> - This function is used to search and replace you can pass json array or string as parameter. Usage :VALUE(test_data).REPLACE("_data");</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:RANDOM(["one", "two", "three", "More");</b> - Get random value form JSON array or string. To generate random number use like :RANDOM("123456790");</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:PLUS(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:MINUS(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>:DIVIDE(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div>
    <div class="bar14"><b>:MULTIPLY(numeric value);</b> - Math function.</div>
    <div class="bar13"><b>Math function usage:</b> - To calculate data you can use math function. Example usage: :GET(id).PLUS(100); , :VALUE(100).PLUS(100).DIVIDE(2);, :VAR(number).PlUS.GET(number);</div>
How to create wapka link to file,post etc
mario · Published on 2022-01-10 09:26:39 (3 years ago )
in wapka we have two (2) ways to create link but not everybody know how to do it the first link goes with / + ? + = + & why the second link goes with / + / + / + / unlimited these second link in wapka is called page pattern url why the other link is for beginners like these /index/?act=login&session=fr322eD6&browser=Chrome&phone=Tecno-Y2, in pattern url its just /index/login/fr322eD6/Chrome/Tecno-Y2 but you will get no result because its VAR not GET... your :VAR(name); will succeed when you add a pattern to header page or specific page like login,home,message any page you like something like these /(?<act>[0-9]+)/*/(?<session>[0-9]+)/*/(?<browser>[0-9]+)/*/(?<phone>[0-9]+)/*
i mean you should add it very important. now url pattern is done our final work is to collect value from server and display it by :VAR(name); change the word name to any like :VAR(act); to display content of "login" :VAR(session); Do thesame for rest.
wapka shortcut javascript file.js explanantion
mario · Published on 2021-12-01 08:32:21 (3 years ago )
no need to create any javascrip into <*script> js code <*/script> in any code you made. just use wapka page has script for example to show count from another page just <*script src="/count/id/5532.js"><*/script> output is to be <*class id="5532"><*/class>
[HELP] Right Now Wapka Showing Unregistered User Uploading Files As Admin Uploading Files Fix This
sajeevscg · Published on 2021-11-29 11:13:40 (3 years ago )
#Now Unregistered user uploaded files shown as admin upload files, 

#So, i need change it to (GUST) Upload [Who upload files without register] 

#*Example Link[*Education Purpose*](

#i cant edit download page Becouse
(*1.Lots of advanced tag used in download page.
*2.its totaly wast my time.
*3.use mobile to update site.)

#im using difrent directores to upload files for users and admins.

#right now i just creat a code👇


#All (0000) is Admin upload dir
#All (1111) is user upload dir
#iAm send user from download page to user file page via format

*But its not wirking!
*#Any one have a better mind,idea to solve ma problum!

wapka clock/time/date codes
mario · Published on 2021-11-20 10:56:59 (3 years ago )
<br><div class="list1" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;background:aliceblue;border-radius:15px;padding:10px;box-shadow:3px 3px 9px grey;">:DATE(D); - to show todays day in name<br>:DATE(d); - to show todays day in number<br>:DATE(m); - to show todays month in number<br>:DATE(M); - to show todays month in name<br>:DATE(s); - seconds<br>:DATE(S); - to show todays day in 2digit name<br>:DATE(H); - hours<br>:DATE(mm); - minutes<br>:DATE(utc); - UTC</div><br>
Wapka newsfeed personal like & unlike button code
mario · Published on 2021-11-20 10:15:29 (3 years ago )
we know that api data is not only made for comment but can do more than what you think....

wapka api data can save people who like your post or unlikes. by using key1 to seperate comment from likes & unlikes go to your post comment page edit api data lister add <*key1>comment<*/key1> for comment lister. create another api data lister then add these
<*key1>like<*/key1> for like lister. and create another api lister then <*key1>unlike<*/key1>
we have succed seperating comment from likes an unlikes lister then read previous wapka on how to add the counts in newsfeed in index
Why all wapka developer must create register form that save user password
mario · Published on 2021-11-19 15:23:10 (3 years ago )
<div class="list1" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;background:crimson;color:white;">is to let register member who forgot password recover it easily than you wasting time to visit api data lister of guest posted that they lost their password... i have two (2) idea for recovering the password of a user and the first one is security question & email recovery password pattern set var_password in register form which collect psw and store for login & session
</div><div class="list1" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;background:lightblue;"><div style="background:blue;color:white;text-align:center;">Note some people can use these to hacked users psw.</div>Register config. <code><*password>:POST(password);<*/password>
<*var_password>:POST(password);<*/var_password></code> so these config can save user password at once for recovering password Read how to recovered psw when forgot it.</div>