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File uploader code style
Admin · Published on 2021-12-31 19:43:49 (3 years ago )
<br><br><br><center><div style="color:#fff; background-color:#0099ff; width:96%; border-radius:4px;">%notify% <font size="6" color="#fff"><b>Image Uploader</b></font><br><br>


<font size="4" color="#fff"><b>Description</b></font><br/>



<table w><tr>

<td><center><font size="4" color="#fff"><b>File Name</b></font><br/>


<td><center><font size="4" color="#fff"><b>WA Number</b></font><br/>




%submit% <br><br><br></div></center>

<style> input {





border:1px solid #bbb;


padding:8px 0px 8px 0px;


textarea {





border:1px solid #bbb;


padding:8px 0px 8px 0px;


wapka clock/time/date codes
mario · Published on 2021-11-20 10:56:59 (3 years ago )
<br><div class="list1" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;background:aliceblue;border-radius:15px;padding:10px;box-shadow:3px 3px 9px grey;">:DATE(D); - to show todays day in name<br>:DATE(d); - to show todays day in number<br>:DATE(m); - to show todays month in number<br>:DATE(M); - to show todays month in name<br>:DATE(s); - seconds<br>:DATE(S); - to show todays day in 2digit name<br>:DATE(H); - hours<br>:DATE(mm); - minutes<br>:DATE(utc); - UTC</div><br>
Wapka newsfeed personal like & unlike button code
mario · Published on 2021-11-20 10:15:29 (3 years ago )
we know that api data is not only made for comment but can do more than what you think....

wapka api data can save people who like your post or unlikes. by using key1 to seperate comment from likes & unlikes go to your post comment page edit api data lister add <*key1>comment<*/key1> for comment lister. create another api data lister then add these
<*key1>like<*/key1> for like lister. and create another api lister then <*key1>unlike<*/key1>
we have succed seperating comment from likes an unlikes lister then read previous wapka on how to add the counts in newsfeed in index
How do I allow a user to recover/change a forgotten password?
fchagas97 · Published on 2021-11-19 12:58:49 (3 years ago )
I realized that Wapka does not have a password recovery system for my users. Is it possible to create a workaround to allow this?
how to replace your name with any content in message lister
mario · Published on 2021-11-18 17:53:28 (3 years ago )
:VALUE(%sender_id%).IFEQ.VAR(USER_ID).THEN(your content here).ELSE(%sender_id%);
[HELP] File Editing Code Please(Working)
sajeevscg · Published on 2021-11-15 16:42:39 (3 years ago )
i have code but not working..


<'textarea' name="description" value=""><'/'textarea'>

Not Working!
how to abbrevate color text bbcode.
mario · Published on 2021-11-15 08:10:59 (3 years ago )
how to add button to claim point everyday 1 times when user come online
mario · Published on 2021-11-15 08:00:43 (3 years ago )
Add User editor and edit
configuration: <*userid>:VAR(USER_ID);<*/userid> <*set_point>:POST(point);<*/set_point> <*set_var_date>:POST(date);<*/set_var_date>
code: <*input type="hidden" name="date" value=":DATE(d);"/> <*input type="hidden" name="point" value=":VALUE(%point%).PLUS(50);"/>:VALUE(%var(date)%).IFNE.DATE(d).THEN(<*button type="submit">claim 50 point<*/button>).ELSE(You have successfully claim today gift point,come back tomorrow for more);
what is wapka code RULE means?
mario · Published on 2021-11-14 07:52:31 (3 years ago )
anytime i add code i see RULE under the code.... code rule is the easy way to detect and ban or command what will happen to the code when success not archeived.
how to inactivate user account.
mario · Published on 2021-11-14 07:47:53 (3 years ago )
Go to admin panel and enter user profiles click default user and click edit type....