Search Result: user
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User ID: 143962
How to set user's var?
vdthanh · Published on 2022-12-29 12:00:50 (2 years ago )
How to set a var for a user?
Such as: var_blabla=50;
User Profile Picture/Avatar Not Displaying
utibe · Published on 2022-09-05 16:40:12 (2 years ago )
How can I set the configuration code to view user avatar and picture on profile.. 
how to make user claim points once a day
davisville · Published on 2022-08-29 12:45:17 (2 years ago )
Guys this is a small task. How it works:
On the login page, user clicks on the enter btn and then it automatically add 50 points to the user's account and redirects the user to the home page so that user cannot cheat. 

ON the login page go to user lister:

user editor:

:VALUE(%notify%).IFEQ(Success).THEN.NULL.ELSE.NULL;<*br><*input type="hidden" name="date" value=":VAR(date);"><*input type="hidden" name="points" value=":VAR(points).PLUS(50);"><*br>:VAR(date).IFNE.DATE(D).THEN(<*input type="submit" value="claim 50 points">).ELSE(You have successfully claim 50 pts; come back for more tomorrow);<*br><*button onclick="home">enter<*/button>); you are good to go
how to set user avatar
davisville · Published on 2022-08-29 07:07:22 (2 years ago )
Please somebody help me with setting uses avatar. Using user editor
how to set levels for users based on the points
davisville · Published on 2022-08-28 15:59:10 (2 years ago )
Hey guys, today am going to share a code with you. With this code, you can set user levels for your site users based on the points they have.

Create a new page called point.Js user lister config: <*id>:VAR(USER_ID).OR.GET(id);<*/id> codes: <*script>{var pt = "%point%" ; if(pt <= 500) {document.write("newbie");}; elseif(pt >= 501 && pt <= 800) {document.write("amateur");};<*/script> You can continue by setting more values and levels. Now in profile add: codes: level: <*script src="/point.js/?id=%id%"><*/script> Now its ready to use.
How To Set User Avatar On Wapka
utibe · Published on 2022-08-14 23:30:40 (2 years ago )
I am new to wapka, and I just found this forum. 
I need help, in user profile setup during registration or editing profile. 

What is the configuration code to set user profile picture or avatar. 
Credit user 10point when added comment to post
mario · Published on 2022-07-18 05:06:03 (2 years ago )
Yeah,these is how it works
create page called "getpoint.html"

--user editor
<'input type="hidden" name="pt" value=":VALUE(%point%).PLUS(10);"/><'button id=":VALUE(%notify%).IFEQ(Success).THEN().ELSE(add);">%notify%<'/button>
function submit2() { document.submitForm2.submit2( // Submits the form without the button } setTimeout(function submit2(){ document.getElementById("add").click() }, 0000););

Now in your post comment form just add <'embed src=":VALUE(%notify%).IFEQ(Success).THEN(/getpoint.html).ELSE();" style="width:0px;height:0px;border:0px;margin:0px;"/>

When comment page refresh user will not be credited untill the %notify% says "Success" thats all.
How to get wapka user info by code without user lister
mario · Published on 2022-07-16 14:00:43 (2 years ago )
Yes possible we are going to use angular js to make special and useful even when where we are going to display the user info is not a wapka site.

here we go.

Create page called "import.js".

---user lister

var app = angular.module('User', []); app.controller('Information', function($scope) { $scope.Username= "%username%";
$scope.Id= "%id%";
$scope.Avatar= "%avatar%";
$scope.Logindate= "%logindate%";
$scope.Country= ":VALUE(%country%).OR(%var(country)%);";
you can add more scopes

Now all is done.
Any page or site just add
<'script src=""><'/script> <!!--box block--!!>
<'div ng-app="User" ng-controller="Information">Hello {{Username}},you are welcome to my site and your info:
Username: {{Username}}
Id: {{Id}}
more and more scope. <'/div>then under <'script src=""><'/script>
<!!--box block--!!>
How to specify user by gender when avatar not set yet
mario · Published on 2022-07-12 19:36:55 (2 years ago )
How to display my full users lister in any website.
mario · Published on 2022-07-04 06:20:39 (2 years ago )
is possible we need js experience


var list = "html code here"
document.getElemetById("userlist").innerHTML = list;
<div id="userlist"></div> <script src="/user.js"></script>

file js -userlister
header code:
var list = "

html here

footer code:
document.getElementById("userlist").innerHTML = list;
olahypes user upload demo1648993754.png olahypes · Published on 2022-04-03 13:49:14 (3 years ago )
olahypes user upload